
TIMSS 1999 and the TIMSS Benchmarking Study were collaborative
efforts among hundreds of individuals around the world. Staff from
the national research centers in each participating country and
from each Benchmarking jurisdiction, the International Association
for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), the International
Study Center (ISC) at Boston College, advisors, and funding agencies
worked closely to develop and implement the projects. They would
not have been possible without the tireless efforts of all involved.
Below, the individuals and organizations are acknowledged for their
contributions. Given that implementing the studies has spanned approximately
four years and involved so many people and organizations, this list
may not pay heed to all who contributed throughout the life of the
project. Any omission is inadvertent. TIMSS 1999 and the Benchmarking
Study also acknowledge the students, teachers, and school principals
who contributed their time and effort to the study. This report
would not be possible without them.
Funding Agencies
Funding for the international coordination of TIMSS 1999 was provided
by the National Center for Education Statistics (TIMSS) in the U.S.
Department of Education, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF),
the World Bank, and participating countries. Each participating
country was responsible for funding local project costs and implementing
TIMSS 1999 in accordance with the international procedures. Funding
for the overall design, administration, data management, and quality
assurance activities of TIMSS Benchmarking was provided by TIMSS,
NSF, and the Of€ce of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)
in the U.S. Department of Education. Valena Plisko, Eugene Owen,
and Patrick Gonzales of TIMSS; Janice Earle, Larry Suter, and Elizabeth
VanderPutten of NSF; Carol Sue Fromboluti and Jill Edwards Staton
of OERI, and Maggie McNeely formerly of OERI each played a crucial
role in making TIMSS 1999 and the Benchmarking Study possible and
for ensuring the quality of the studies. Each Benchmarking participant
contracted directly with Boston College to fund data-collection
activities in its own jurisdiction.
Management and Operations
TIMSS 1999 was conducted under the auspices of the IEA. TIMSS 1999
was co-directed by Michael O. Martin and Ina V.S. Mullis, and managed
centrally by the staff of the International Study Center in the
Lynch School of Education at Boston College. Although the study
was directed by the International Study Center and its staff members
implemented various parts of TIMSS 1999, important activities also
were carried out in centers around the world. In the IEA Secretariat
in Amsterdam, Hans Wagemaker, Executive Director, was responsible
for overseeing fundraising and country participation. The IEA Secretariat
also coordinated translation veri€cation and recruiting of international
quality control monitors. The data were processed centrally by the
IEA Data Processing Center in Hamburg. Statistics Canada in Ottawa
was responsible for collecting and evaluating the sampling documentation
from each country and for calculating the sampling weights. Educational
Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton, New Jersey, conducted the scaling
of the achievement data.
For the Benchmarking Study, Westat in Rockville, Maryland, was
responsible for sampling, data collection activities, and preliminary
data processing. National Computer Systems (NCS) in Iowa City, Iowa,
conducted the scoring for Benchmarking jurisdictions along with
the national scoring effort. All data were processed in accordance
with international standards at the IEA Data Processing Center.
Scaling of the achievement data was conducted by Educational Testing
IEA Secretariat
Hans Wagemaker, Executive Director
Barbara Malak, Manager Membership Relations
Leendert Dijkhuizen, Fiscal Of€cer
International Study Center at Boston College Responsible for
Michael O. Martin, Co-Director
Ina V.S. Mullis, Co-Director
Eugenio J. González, Director of Operations and Data Analysis
Kathleen M. O’Connor, TIMSS Benchmarking Coordinator
Kelvin D. Gregory, TIMSS Study Coordinator
Teresa A. Smith, TIMSS Science Coordinator
Robert Garden, TIMSS Mathematics Coordinator
Dana L. Kelly, pirls Study Coordinator
Steven Chrostowski, Research Associate
Ce Shen, Research Associate (former)
Julie Miles, Research Associate
Steven Stemler, Research Associate
Ann Kennedy, Research Associate
Maria José Ramirez, Research Assistant
Joseph Galia, Statistician/Programmer
Lana Seliger, Statistician/Programmer (former)
Andrea Pastelis, Database Manager
Kieran Brosnan, Technology Support Specialist
Christine Conley, Publications Design Manager
José Nieto, Publications Manager
Thomas Hoffmann, Internet Communications Manager
Mario Pita, Data Graphics Specialist
Betty Hugh, Data Graphics Specialist
Christina Lopez, Data Graphics Specialist
Isaac Li, Data Graphics Assistant
Kathleen Packard, Manager, Finance
Susan Comeau, Manager, Of€ce Administration
Ann Tan, Manager, Conference Administration
Monica Guidi, Administrative Coordinator
Laura Misas, Administrative Coordinator
Rita Holmes, Administrative Coordinator
Pierre Foy, Senior Methodologist
Marc Joncas, Senior Methodologist
Andrea Farkas, Junior Methodologist
Salina Park, Cooperative Exchange Student
IEA Data Processing Center
Dirk Hastedt, Senior Researcher
Heiko Sibberns, Senior Researcher
Knut Schwippert, Senior Researcher
Caroline Dupeyrat, Researcher
Oliver Neuschmidt, Researcher
Stephan Petzchen, Research Assistant
Anneke Niemeyer, Research Assistant
Juliane Pickel, Research Assistant
Educational Testing Service
Kentaro Yamamoto, Principal Research Scientist
Ed Kulick, Manager, Research Data Analysis
Nancy Caldwell, Vice President and Associate Director, Survey Operations
Keith Rust, Vice President and Associate Director, Statistical Group
Stephen Roey, Senior Systems Analyst
Project Management Team
Michael Martin, International Study Center
Ina Mullis, International Study Center
Eugenio González, International Study Center
Hans Wagemaker, IEA Secretariat
Dirk Hastedt, IEA Data Processing Center
Pierre Foy, Statistics Canada
Kentaro Yamamoto, Educational
Testing Service
Eugene Johnson, American Institutes
for Research
Pierre Foy, Statistics Canada – TIMSS 1999
Keith Rust, Westat – TIMSS 1999 International
Benchmarking Participants
Individuals from each Benchmarking jurisdiction were instrumental
in conducting the TIMSS Benchmarking Study in their state, district,
or consortium. They were responsible for obtaining funding for the
project; obtaining cooperation of sampled schools, classes, and
students; responding to curriculum questionnaires; reviewing data;
contributing to the development of the Benchmarking reports; and
coordinating activities with the International Study Center. Jurisdictions
would like to acknowledge the following people for their extensive
Patricia Brandt
Connecticut Department of Education
165 Capital Avenue
Hartford CT 06145-2219
Abigail L. Hughes
Connecticut Department of Education
165 Capital Avenue
Hartford CT 06145-2219
Douglas Rindone
Connecticut Department of Education
165 Capital Avenue
Hartford CT 06145-2219
Theodore S. Sergi
Connecticut Department of Education
165 Capital Avenue
Hartford CT 06145-2219
Tom Farley
Idaho Department of Education
P.O. Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0027
Susan Harrington
Idaho Department of Education
P.O. Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0027
Sally Tiel
Idaho Department of Education
P.O. Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0027
Mervin Brennan
Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street
Spring€eld IL 62777
Carmen Chapman
Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street
Spring€eld IL 62777
Megan Forness
Illinois State Board of Education
Assessment E216
100 North First Street
Spring€eld IL 62777
Andy Metcalf
Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street
Spring€eld IL 62777
Pam Stanko
Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street
Spring€eld IL 62777
Larry Grau
Of€ce of the Governor
State House
200 West Washington Street, Room 206
Indianapolis IN 46204-2797
Dwayne James
Indiana Department of Education
Room 229, State House
Indianapolis IN 46204
Stan Jones
Commissioner for Higher Education
101 West Ohio Street - Suite 550
Indianapolis IN 46204
Cheryl Orr
Indiana’s Education Roundtable
101 West Ohio Street - Suite 550
Indianapolis IN 46204
Suellen Reed
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Room 229, State House
Indianapolis IN 46204-2797
Cynthia Roach
Indiana Department of Education
Division of Assessment
Room 229, State House
Indianapolis IN 46204-2797
Diane Householder
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore MD 21201-2595
Mark Moody
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore MD 21201-2595
Kathy Rosenberg
Maryland State Department of Education
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore MD 21201-2595
Jeffrey Nellhaus
Massachusetts Department of Education
350 Main Street
Malden MA 02148-5023
Sheldon Rothman
Massachusetts Department of Education
350 Main Street
Malden MA 02148-5023
Kit Viator
Massachusetts Department of Education
350 Main Street
Malden MA 02148-5023
Lori Wright
Massachusetts Department of Education
350 Main Street
Malden MA 02148-5023
Charles Allan
Michigan Department of Education
Curriculum Development Program
P.O. Box 30008
Lansing MI 48909
James Friedebach
Missouri Department of Education
205 Jefferson
P.O. Box 480
Jefferson City MO 65102-0480
North Carolina
Louis Fabrizio
North Carolina Department
of Public Instruction
301 North Wilmington Street
Raleigh NC 27601-2825
Tammy Howard
North Carolina Department
of Public Instruction
301 North Wilmington Street
Raleigh NC 27601-2825
Joanne Flint
Oregon Department of Education
255 Capital Street NE
Salem OR 97310-0203
Wayne Neuberger
Oregon Department of Education
255 Capital Street NE
Salem OR 97310-0203
R. Jay Gift
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg PA 17126-0333
Frank Marburger
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg PA 17126-0333
Lee Plempel
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg PA 17126-0333
Charlie Wayne
Pennsylvania Department of Education
333 Market Street, 8th Floor
Harrisburg PA 17126-0333
Karen Horne
South Carolina Department of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia SC 29201
Susan Agruso
South Carolina Department of Education
1429 Senate Street
Columbia SC 29201
Lane Peeler
South Carolina Department of Education
611-B Rutledge Building
1429 Senate Street
Columbia SC 29201
Paul Sandifer
South Carolina Department of Education
607 Rutledge Building
1429 Senate Street
Columbia SC 29201
Teri Siskind
South Carolina Department of Education
607 Rutledge Building
1429 Senate Street
Columbia SC 29201
Chris Castillo Comer
Texas Education Agency
1701 North Congress Avenue
Austin TX 78701
Ed Miller
Texas Education Agency
1701 North Congress Avenue
Austin TX 78701-1494
Phyllis Stolp
Texas Education Agency
1700 North Congress Avenue
Austin TX 78701
Academy School District #20
Wendy Crist
Academy School District #20
7610 North Union Boulevard
Colorado Springs CO 80920
Alisabeth Hohn
Academy School District #20
7610 North Union Boulevard
Colorado Springs CO 80920
Gery Chico
Chicago Public Schools
125 South Clark Street
Chicago IL 60603
Richard Daley
City Hall
121 North LaSalle Street
Chicago IL 60603
Joseph Hahn
Chicago Public Schools
125 South Clark Street 11th Floor
Chicago IL 60603
Phil Hansen
Chicago Public Schools
125 South Clark Street
Chicago IL 60603
Paul Vallas
Chicago Public Schools
125 South Clark Street
Chicago IL 60603
Melanie Wojtulewicz
Chicago Public Schools
1326 West 14th Place
Room 315A
Chicago IL 60608
Delaware Science Coalition
Gail Ames
Delaware Science Coalition
2916 Duncan Road
Wilmington DE 19808
John Collette
Delaware Science Coalition
309 Brockton Road
Wilmington DE 19803
Julie Cwikla Banks
University of Delaware
305 M Willard Hall
Newark DE 19716
Valerie Maxwell
Appoquinimink School District
118 South Sixth Street
Odessa DE 19730
First in the World Consortium
Elaine Aumiller
North Central Regional
Education Lab (NCREL)
1120 East Diehl Road, Suite 200
Naperville IL 60563
Blase Masini
North Central Regional
Education Lab (NCREL)
1120 East Diehl Road, Suite 200
Naperville IL 60563
Paul Kimmelman
1306 Hidden Lake Drive
Buffalo Grove IL 60089
David Kroeze
First in the World Consortium
Northbrook School District #27
1250 Sanders Road
Northbrook IL 60062
Fremont/Lincoln/Westside Public Schools
James Findley
Westside Public Schools
909 South 76th Street
Omaha NE 68114-4599
Marilyn Moore
Lincoln Public Schools
Box 82889
Lincoln NE 68501-2889
Stephen Sexton
Fremont Public Schools
957 North Pierce Street
Fremont NE 68025
Terry Snyder
Fremont Public Schools
957 North Pierce Street
Fremont NE 68025
Lynne Johnson
Guilford County Schools
120 Franklin Boulevard
Greensboro NC 27401
Diane Spencer
Guilford County Schools
120 Franklin Boulevard
Greensboro NC 27401
Sadie Bryant Woods
Guilford County Schools
134 Franklin Boulevard
Greensboro NC 27401
Jersey City Public Schools
Richard DiPatri
Jersey City Public Schools
State District Superintendent
346 Claremont Avenue
Jersey City NJ 07305
Adele Macula
Jersey City Board of Education
346 Claremont Avenue
Jersey City NJ 07305
Aldo Sanchez-Abreu
Jersey City Board of Education
346 Claremont Avenue
Jersey City NJ 07305
Patsy Wang-Iverson
Mid-Atlantic Eisenhower Consortium
Research for Better Schools
444 North Third Street
Philadelphia PA 19123
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Joseph Burke
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
1500 Biscayne Boulevard
Room 327T
Miami FL 33132
Gisela Feild
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
1500 Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 225
Miami FL 33132
Joseph Mathos
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
1450 Northeast 2nd Avenue #931
Miami FL 33132
Vilma Rubiera
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
1500 Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 225
Miami FL 33132
Alex Shneyderman
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
1500 Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 225
Miami FL 33132
Constance Thornton
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
1500 Biscayne Boulevard
Suite 327
Miami FL 33132
Michigan Invitational Group
Robert Dunn
Michigan Invitational Group
Michigan Department of Education
658 Grat Strasse
Manchester MI 48158
Montgomery County Public Schools
Marlaine Hartzman
Montgomery County Public Schools
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 11
Rockville MD 20850
John Larson
Montgomery County Public Schools
850 Hungerford Drive, Room 11
Rockville MD 20850
Naperville Community School District 203
Russ Bryan
Naperville Community School District 203
203 West Hillside Road
Naperville IL 60540
Lenore Johnson
Naperville Community School District 203
203 West Hillside Road
Naperville IL 60540
Jack Hinterlong
Naperville Community School District 203
203 Hillside Road
Naperville IL 60540
Donald E. Weber, Ed.D
Naperville Community School District 203
203 West Hillside Road
Naperville IL 60540
Jodi Wirt
Naperville Community School District 203
203 Hillside Road
Naperville IL 60540
Dennis Kowalski
Strongville City School
13200 Pearl Road
Stongsville OH 44136
Terry Krivak
c/o Ohio Aerospace Institute
22800 Cedar Point Road
Cleveland OH 44142
Anne Mikesell
Ohio Department of Education
25 South Front Street, 5th Floor
Columbus OH 43215
Linda Williams
Mentor Exempted Village
6451 Center Street
Mentor OH 44060
Paul R. Williams
Project smart Consortium
Beachwood City School District
24601 Fairmount Boulevard
Beachwood OH 44122
Rochester City School District
Ann Pinnella Brown
Rochester City School District
131 West Broad Street
Rochester NY 14614
Cecilia Golden
Rochester City School District
131 West Broad Street
Rochester NY 14614
Corinthia Sims
Rochester City School District
131 West Broad Street
Rochester NY 14614
Southwest Pennsylvania Math and Science Collaborative
Nancy Bunt
2650 Regional Enterprise Tower
425 Sixth Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15219
Marcia Seeley
2650 Regional Enterprise Tower
425 Sixth Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15219
Lou Tamler
2650 Regional Enterprise Tower
425 Sixth Avenue
Pittsburgh PA 15219
Cynthia A. Tananis
University of Pittsburgh
5P26 WWPH School of Education
Pittsburgh PA 15260
National Research Coordinators
The TIMSS 1999 National Research Coordinators and their staff had
the enormous task of implementing the TIMSS 1999 design. This required
obtaining funding for the project; participating in the development
of the instruments and procedures; conducting €eld tests; participating
in and conducting training sessions; translating the instruments
and procedural manuals into the local language; selecting the sample
of schools and students; working with the schools to arrange for
the testing; arranging for data collection, coding, and data entry;
preparing the data €les for submission to the IEA Data Processing
Center; contributing to the development of the international reports;
and preparing national reports. The way in which the national centers
operated and the resources that were available varied considerably
across the TIMSS 1999 countries. In some countries, the tasks were
conducted centrally, while in others, various components were subcontracted
to other organizations. In some countries, resources were more than
adequate, while in some cases, the national centers were operating
with limited resources. Of course, across the life of the project,
some nrcs have changed. This list attempts to include all past nrcs
who served for a signi€cant period of time as well as all the present
nrcs. All of the TIMSS 1999 National Research Coordinators and their
staff members are to be commended for their professionalism and
their dedication in conducting all aspects of TIMSS.
Susan Zammit
Australian Council for Educational
Research (acer)
19 Prospect Hill Road
Private Bag 55
Camberwell, Victoria 3124
Christiane Brusselmans-Dehairs
Jean-Pierre Verhaeghe
Vakgroep Onderwijskunde Universiteit Gent
Henri Dunantlaan 2
B-9000 Gent
Jan Van Damme
Afd. Didactiek
Vesaliusstraat 2
B-3000 Leuven
Ann Van Den Broeck
Dekenstraat 2
Afd. Didactiek
B-3000 Leuven
Kiril Bankov
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of So€a
1164 Sophia
Alan Taylor
Applied Research and Evaluation Services (ares)
University of British Columbia
6058 Pearl Avenue,
Burnaby, BC V5H 3P9
Richard Jones
Education Quality & Accountability Of€ce(eqao)
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1200
Toronto, ON M5B2Mm9
Jean-Louis Lebel
Direction de la sanction des etudes
1035 rue De La Chevrotiere
26 etage
Quebec GIR 5A5
Michael Marshall
University of British Columbia
Faculty of Education, Room 6
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6TLZ4
Maria Inès Alvarez
Unidad de Curriculum y Evaluación
Ministerio de Educación
Alameda 1146
Sector B, Piso 8
Jau-D Chen
Dean of General Affairs
National Taiwan Normal University
162, East Hoping Road Section 1
Taipei, Taiwan 117
Constantinos Papanastasiou
Dept. of Education
University of Cyprus
P.O. Box 20537
Nicosia CY-1678
Jana Paleckova
Institute for Information of Education (UIV)
Senovazne nam.26
111 21 Praha 1
Graham Ruddock
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
The Mere, Upton Park
Slough, Berkshire sl1 2dq
Pekka Kupari
University of Jyvaskyla
Institute for the Educational Research
P.O. Box 35
SF – 40351 Jyvaskyla
Frederick Leung
The University of Hong Kong – Dept. of Curriculum
Faculty of Education, Room 219
Pokfulam Road
Hong Kong, SAR
Péter Vari
National Institute of Public Education
Centre for Evaluation Studies
Dorottya u.8, Pf 701/420
1051 Budapest
Jahja Umar
Examiniation Development Center
Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya – 4
Jakarta Pusat
Ali Reza Kiamanesh
Ministry of Education
196, Institute for Education Research
Keshavaraz Boulevard
Tehran, 14166
Ruth Zuzovsky
Tel Aviv University
School of Education
Center for Science and Technology Education
Ramat Aviv 69978
Anna Maria Caputo
Ministerio della Pubblica Istruzione
Centro Europeo Dell ‘Educazione (CEDE)
5- Villa Falconieri
Frascati (Roma) 00044
Yuji Saruta
Hanako Senuma
National Institute for Educational Research (NIER)
6-5-22 Shimomeguro
Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8681
Tayseer Al-Nhar
National Center for Human Resources Development
P.O. Box 560
Amman, Jordan 11941
Sungsook Kim
Chung Park
Korea Institute of Curriculum & Evaluation(KICE)
25-1 Samchung-dong
GhongRo-Gu, Seoul 110-230
Andrejs Geske
University of Latvia
IEA National Research Center
Jurmalas Gatve 74/76, Room 204A
Riga LV-1083
Algirdas Zabulionis
National Examinations Center
Ministry of Education and Science
M. Katkaus 44
Vilnius LT2051
Anica Aleksova
Ministry of Education and Science
Bureau for Development of Education
Ruder Boskovic St. bb.
1 000 Skopje
Azmi Zakaria
Ministry of Education
Level 2,3 &5 Block J South
Pusat Bandar Damansara, Kuala Lumpur 50604
Ilie Nasu
Ministry of Education and Science
University “A. Russo”
Str. Puschin 38
Balti 3100
Lidia Costiuc
1 Piata Mazzi Adunazi Nationale
Mohamed Fatihi
Direction de l’Evaluation du Systeme Educatif
Innovations Pedagogiques
32 Boulevard Ibn Toumert
Place Bob Rouah, Rabat
Klaas Bos
University of Twente
Centre for Applied Research in Education (OCTO)
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
Megan Chamberlain
Ministry of Education
CER Unit-Research Division
45-47 Pipitea Street
Thorndon, Wellington
Ester Ogena
DOST-Science Education Institute
3F ptri Blg
Bicutan, Taguig
Metro Manila 1604
Vivien Talisayon
Institute Of Science & Mathematics Education Development
University of the Philippines UPISMED
Diliman, Quezon City
Gabriela Noveanu
Institute for Educational Sciences
Evaluation and Forecasting Division
Str. Stirbei Voda 37
Bucharest Ro-70732
Galina Kovalyova
Center for Evaluating the Quality of Education
Institute of General Secondary Education
ul. Pogodinskaya 8
Moscow 119905
Cheow Cher Wong
Research and Evaluation Branch
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Dr /MOE Building
Singapore, Singapore 138675
Olga Zelmanova
Maria Berova
SPU-National Institute for Education
Pluhova 8, P. O. Box 26
Brastislava 830 00
Barbara Japelj
Educational Research Institute Ljubljana
Gerbiceva 62
Ljubljana 1000
Sarah Howie
Human Sciences Research Council
134 Pretorius Street
Private Bag X41
Pretoria 0001
Precharn Dechsri
Institute For the Promotion of Teaching Science & Technology
924 Sukhumvit Rd. Ekamai
Bangkok 10100
Ktari Mohsen
Ministere de l’Education
Boulevard Bab-Bnet
Yurdanur Atlioglu
Educational Research and Development Directorate
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvani
No 109/5-6-7
Maltepe, Ankara 06570
Patrick Gonzales
National Center for Education Statistics
United States Dept. of Education
1990 K Street, NW Room 9071
Washington, DC 20006
TIMSS 1999 Advisory Committees
The International Study Center at Boston College was supported
in its work by advisory committees. The Subject Matter Item Replacement
Committee was instrumental in developing the TIMSS 1999 tests, and
the Questionnaire Item Review Committee revised the TIMSS questionnaires.
The Scale Anchoring Panel developed the descriptions of the international
benchmarks in mathematics and science.
Subject Matter Item Replacement Committee
Antoine Bodin, France
Anna-Maria Caputo, Italy
Nobert Delagrange, Belgium (Flemish)
Jan de Lange, Netherlands
Hee-Chan Lew, Republic of Korea
Mary Lindquist, United States
David Robitaille, Canada
Hans Ernst Fischer, Germany
Galina Kovalyova, Russian Federation
Svein Lie, Norway
Masao Miyake, Japan
Graham Orpwood, Canada
Jana Strakova, Czech Republic
Carolyn Swain, England
Special Consultants
Chancey Jones, Mathematics
Christine O’Sullivan, Science
Questionnaire Item Review Committee
Im Hyung, Republic of Korea
Barbara Japelj, Slovenia
Trevor Williams, United States
Graham Ruddock, England
Klaas Bos, Netherlands
Scale Anchoring Committees
Anica Aleksova, Republic of Macedonia
Lillie Albert, United States
Kiril Bankov, Bulgaria
Jau-D Chen, Chinese Taipei
John Dossey, United States
Barbara Japelj, Slovenia
Mary Lindquist, United States
David Robitaille, Canada
Graham Ruddock, United Kingdom
Hanako Senuma, Japan
Pauline Vos, The Netherlands
Audrey Champagne, United States
Galina Kovalyova, Russian Federation
Jan Lokan, Australia
Jana Paleckova, Czech Republic
Senta Raizen, United States
Vivien Talisayon, Philippines
Hong Kim Tan, Singapore