Beginning with the TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 assessments, the technical documentation formerly published in the TIMSS and PIRLS Technical Reports is now provided as an online publication. This should give users swifter and easier access to all technical information and streamline the process of navigating through the technical details.
Similar to the technical reports of previous TIMSS and PIRLS assessment cycles, Methods and Procedures in TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 documents the development of the TIMSS and PIRLS assessments and questionnaires and describes the methods used in sampling, translation verification, data collection, database construction, and the construction of the achievement and context questionnaire scales. In particular, Methods and Procedures documents the numerous quality assurance steps and procedures implemented by all those involved in the TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 assessments, including the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, the IEA Secretariat, the IEA Data Processing and Research Center, Statistics Canada, Educational Testing Service, and the National Research Coordinators and their teams in the participating countries and benchmarking entities.
The tabs on the left will guide you to fully searchable Portable Document Format (PDF) content dealing with major sections of TIMSS and PIRLS technical documentation. Each section includes descriptions of the major activities involved and provides direct access to relevant detail.
Martin, M.O. & Mullis, I.V.S. (Eds.). (2012). Methods and procedures in TIMSS and PIRLS 2011.
Chestnut Hill, MA: TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center, Boston College.